Beauty Brazil – Beautician in Henley-on-Thames, Reading area, specialised in Microblading, nails, lashes and brows


Permanent eyelid makeup implies drawing eyeliner by applying colour underneath the skin surface in the region of the upper and/or lower eyelid.




It is possible to draw a classic liner, a lash line to achieve the effect of denser lashes, as well as a popular technique of shading liner, with a result of deeper view and beautifully accented eye. 


LASH ENHANCEMENT – My most subtle liner, a very fine line right on your lashes, gives a look similar to a recent lash tint.

SMOKEY ENHANCEMENT – A slightly more full-on the version, think of a kohl pencil look, soft but more of a makeup look. This liner can be subtle or quite full on depending on the result you’re after.natural effect.


Pre-Procedural Considerations:
No alcohol or caffeinated products 24 hours before treatment and no aspirin or blood-thinning medication’s five (5) days prior procedure.
Absolutely no injections or fillers should be administered at least 3 weeks before the procedure.
Clients with any history of cold sores/fever-blister/herpes, even if it was when you were a child, please contact your physician and request a prescription for Zovirax , Valtrex or Farmvir. Take 2 days before the procedure.

Day 1-14

  • Do not wet your eyes for 3 days.
  • No rubbing or any use of makeup remover in the area.
  • Do not use mascara until outer healing is complete (3-5 days). When you start using mascara, use a new tube due to risk of bacterial presence in the old tubes. Stay a little farther out on the lashes, not too close to the lash line. Remove carefully with warm water and oil.
  • No sun beds, tanning, sauna, excessive sweating in the gym for 10 days.
  • Do not swim in fresh, salt, or chlorinated water for 2 weeks.

Expected phases for pigment

1 – 7 days: darkest pigment. Don’t worry, it’s temporary!
7 – 15 days: pigment may lighten to be even lighter than the final result
15 – 30 day: intensity of the colour increases slightly (final results before touch up)
Day 45: touch up of the pigment.


DISCLAIMER: The client is required to consult with their Physician prior to taking, altering or stopping any form of medication and/ or supplements, or making changes to their dosing cycles etc.

Unfortunately, not everyone is a good for the semi permanent eyeliner procedure. They may have something (such symptom or condition) that makes this procedure inadvisable. The following is a list of contraindications for the lip blush treatment;

  • Under 18 years of age.
  • Diabetes
  • Pregnant or lactating women
  • Glaucoma
  • Skin diseases such psoriasis, eczema and undiagnosed rashes or blisters on the site that is to be treated.
  • Allergies to makeup or colours.
  • Easily triggered post-inflammatory hyper pigmentation.
  • Transmittable blood conditions like HIV or
  • Hepatitis.
  • Active skin cancer in the area to be tattooed.
  • Haemophiliac.
  • Healing disorders.